Man vs. Pink


Venice Beach, 2012

I’m a UK dad blogger, and I share my experience of raising a girl outside the gender stereotypes of the pink aisle.

My name is Simon. Once I was a TV producer but I was a stay-at-home dad to my daughter from 2012, when she was 6 months old. In 2017, when my daughter was happily immersed in her first year of reception, I made my return to full-time work.

I’m an unashamed geek and this dad blog highlights how I’m sharing my love for sci-fi and superheroes with my fangirl daughter. I think little girls should aspire to be more than just princesses, that pink should be one of the many colours they enjoy, and that all toys are gender neutral toys.

I loved being the stay-at-home dad of my awesome daughter, and I hope to continue to share a little of how amazing our life continues to be.

For more regular updates, please follow my social media accounts too.